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This is a short overview regarding our daily work. For more information, please contact us. We would be delighted to answer any questions you might have by email: b.stutzke@pr-consulting.de or by phone under ++49 (228) 9125357. Thank you! About Us Knowing a sector is a question of having experience with it. pr&consulting was founded over ten years ago in Bonn/Germany, with focus on the sector Healthcare. Since that time tradional business structures within the market are changing radically Growing pressure from the political side makes it necessary to put some extra effort on managing processes and increasing performance. Our Expert Solutions Diagnosis Related Groups (DRG) - Patient Classification System (PCS) - Cost Containment The Healthcare Market changes - worldwide. Discovering new market opportunities is no longer only part of the industry but also for
How long will it take for each country, each hospital, each surgery to build up a Patient Classification System for reimbursement purposes. This is exactly the point where our consulting starts. To deliver the correct informations about Patient Classfication Systems and the adoption for reimbursement purposes by insurances and health financing systems. Being prepared to find the right way in optimizing procedures and changing organizational structures, as well as for managerial accounting and control. An intelligent process management system creates the conditions that enables you to serve your patients even more effectively. Optimizing Processes Redesigning a process means optimizing costs. Being under political or market pressure it is a necessity to improve efficiency. Configuring strategic control systems involves also Value Added Management (VAM). Let us check within a project how efficient your organisation works, installing a process management, which makes things work for you! Performance - Quality Measurement Time, cost, quality that's the triangle of performance measurement. Special methods are desired with practical, innovative implementations for a daily business life. We offer you tailor-made solutions for your specific needs (this includes also TQM, DIN EN ISO 9000:2000, KTQ). |
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