The following publications are considering different aspects
of the healthcare market and healthcare management. Please request
the desired publications under: contact. Please be aware that the
publications are written in german. Thank you.
- Pocket Guides
Pocket Guide für Klinikärzte
Die AR-DRG's als Grundlage für ein Deutsches DRG-System
Described is the Australian DRG System and how the system could be adopted
to the german hospitals
  Pocket Guide für Krankenhausapotheker
  Stabilität trotz Wandel
How can pharmacists fit the system, what is their job within the new system?
  Pocket Guide für das Krankenhaus
  G-DRGs: Professionell zum Krankenhauserfolg
  DRGs put some pressure on the hospital market, the hospital world is changing radically.
- Article: Apotheke und Krankenhaus
- Article: Management und Krankenhaus
- Article: behave
- Newsletter Fokus Healthcare (monthly paper, editor: Barbara Stutzke)